The Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color (COSEBOC) creates fantastic programming that uplifts young boys of color across the country. While their typical work is done in conjunction with school systems, they’re venturing into a new area that makes their knowledge accessible at a more individual level. This requires trained facilitators who take participants through a several months long educational course. I developed the look and feel for three courses in this family. The first course, the Standards, sets the tone for those teaching COSEBOC pedagogy in schools. The second, the D.R.U.M. curriculum, works with community leaders looking to bring COSEBOC pedagogy to their communities. The third, Footprints & Footsteps, works on teaching hip-hop pedagogy to attract young boys and men of color.

creaTive direcTion + design + DigiTal


coseboc Teaching courses


branding gallery


coseboc conference